Materials evaluation and materials design.

Hi, readers!

How’s life?

I hope all of you feel good and happy.

Today we will talk about Materials evaluation and materials design.  

There are ways in making a materials evaluation and material design. 

1. Using Coursebook 

For the learners, the textbook is the most important source of contact  they have with the language. What is a coursebook?

  • Graves, 2000: 175 defines a coursebook as
    “ … a book used as a standard source of information for formal study of a subject and an instrument for teaching and learning.”

  • Richard, 2015 describes coursebook as:
    - The key component in a language program
    -  The basis for the language input learners receive and the language practice that occurs
    - The basis for lesson content and balance of skills thought

  • Cunningsworth, 1995:7

Coursebook in ELT as:

  • A reference source

  • A syllabus

  • A support for less experienced teachers

  • A resource for presentation material

  • A source of activities for learner practice and communicative interaction.

Why do teachers use a coursebook? 

  • Extremely difficult to develop materials

  • Time-consuming and demanding process to develop new materials

  • Coursebook lessens preparation time, provides ready-made activities and provides concrete samples of classroom progress through which external stakeholders can be satisfied.

In the coursebook we need a syllabus. Fadlillah (2014: 135) states that :

  • Syllabus is a learning plan for a particular subject or theme which includes basic competencies, learning materials, learning activities, provision, time allocation, and learning resources.

2. Evaluating the coursebook

We evaluate:

  • Grammar focus

  • Vocabulary focus

  • Listening focus

  • Speaking focus

  • Pronunciation focus

  • Reading and writing focus

  • Cultural focus

  • Media programs

Criteria of evaluating the coursebook:

  • The text makes clear the links between the classroom and the wider world

  • The text fosters independent learning

  • The text focuses our pupils on their learning process

  • The text is easily available

  • The text meets our pupils’ needs

  • The text  can be used at more than one level of difficulty

  • The pedagogical objectives of the materials are clear

  • The text is more attractive in appearance for the students than the teacher produce materials

3. Supplementing coursebooks

For example, the coursebook does not have listening skills. So we must be creative to make a new good situation in the classroom. Maybe we can sing a song. So they can train their pronunciation and others.

4. Adapting authentic text 

5. Adapting a well known fable

In this section, we find the structure of the grammar and then prepare some questions

according to the fable story. If there is no fable story, we can search it from other books.

6.Creating own materials

  • Topic-based planning
    The emphasis of the lessons in language learning is on a subject, a topic or a theme, and the contents of the book are arranged around this topic

  • Lesson planning
     Help teachers be more effective in the classroom by providing a detailed outline to follow each class period.

  • Writing own texts
    Additional notes as additional guidance in teaching students.

I think that’s all for today. Thank you for visiting my blog. 

See you!

Stay safe and stay healthy!



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