

  Hi, readers! How’s life? I hope all of you feel good and happy. Today we will talk about Assessment.   What is Assessment? Assessment is the process of gathering and discussing information from multiple and diverse sources in order to develop a deep understanding of what students know, understand, and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational experiences; the process culminates when assessment results are used to improve. Why do we need to assess young learners?  The teacher can become more aware of areas that are causing problems for the students and then concentrate on them. The teachers can adjust their teaching to suit the needs and learning styles of the students. The teacher will have a better understanding of what can be achieved in a class There are 6 types of the assessments:  Diagnostic Assessment (as Pre-Assessment) One way to think about it: Assesses a student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction. Format...

Materials evaluation and materials design.

Hi, readers! How’s life? I hope all of you feel good and happy. Today we will talk about Materials evaluation and materials design.   There are ways in making a materials evaluation and material design.  1. Using Coursebook  For the learners, the textbook is the most important source of contact  they have with the language. What is a coursebook? Graves, 2000: 175 defines a coursebook as “ … a book used as a standard source of information for formal study of a subject and an instrument for teaching and learning.” Richard, 2015 describes coursebook as: - T he key component in a language program -  The basis for the language input learners receive and the language practice that occurs - The basis for lesson content and balance of skills thought Cunningsworth, 1995:7 Coursebook in ELT as: A reference source A syllabus A support for less experienced teachers A resource for presentation material A source of activities for learner practice and communicative interacti...

Learning to learn

Hi, readers! How’s life? I hope all of you feel good and happy. Today we will talk about Learning to learn.   'Learning to learn' is the ability to pursue and persist in learning, to organise one's own learning, including through effective management of time and information, both individually and in groups. When students can direct their learning and know how they learn best, they can also better navigate the wide range of available choices in school and beyond. Learning to learn is particularly important when teachers are no longer a main source of information and knowledge.   ‘Learning to learn’ is often used as a magic formula to meet the increasing informational demands of society and technology. Although ‘learning to learn’ should be an important part of daily life in secondary schools and classrooms, it turns out to be a very difficult goal to achieve. For most schools and for most teachers it is not even clear how ‘learning to learn’ should be operationalised and imp...

Teaching Vocabulary and grammar

Hi, readers! How’s life? I hope all of you feel good and happy. Today we will talk about Teaching Vocabulary and grammar.   Vocabulary Vocabulary skills are essential to building a student’s confidence in reading and writing, and the right activities can help get students excited about language learning. And there are some tips teaching vocabulary for young learners. Using Visuals When teachers hear ‘vocabulary’, they should pair it with the word ‘visual’. According to, 65% of people are visual learners. We should take that into account no matter who we teach, but as teachers of English learners, we should plan to incorporate visual aids in our teaching of vocabulary whenever possible. On top of that, if we are teaching early readers or even pre-readers, visual vocabulary is a must!  Vocabulary A-Z Lesson Plans With Vocabulary A-Z, you can create your own vocabulary lists based on topic, content, or part of speech, and generate lesson activities based on your selection...