Rituals in school
Hi, readers! Welcome back to my blog. Today I will talk about Rituals in school . I believe that all of you have some rituals in school. In Indonesia, every Monday school community include all of the teachers, students and the employs will following flag-raising ceremony. That is because the implementation of the flag ceremony in schools has been regulated in Pemendikbud Number 22 of 2018. You know what!? flag ceremony is important. it can even be useful for us. 1. Strengthening Unity and Unity To become a unified Indonesian nation, we must start from a small scale first. One of them is to unite with all members / community of the school, whether they are classmates, seniors, juniors, or teachers. 2. Accustom all school members to Discipline When attending / following the flag ceremony, we usually have to wear national uniforms, black shoes, white socks, ties, hats, and other attributes. Besides that, we can't be late either. During the ceremony, we are required to m...